BORME summary in PONTEVEDRA on 2024-08-26.
Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Pontevedra
Analysis date: August 26, 2024
This financial analysis is based on data recorded in the Commercial Registry of Pontevedra. Below, the most relevant facts related to the commercial activities of the region are described, highlighting the most significant acts and referencing some notable companies.
General Activities
In the analyzed period, a total of 24 appointments, 5 incorporations, and 14 cessations have been registered. These acts reflect considerable dynamics in the renewal of positions and the creation of new entities in the province. Additionally, there have been 6 changes of address and 3 capital increases, indicating significant movement in the structure and growth of companies.
Appointments and Cessations
Appointments and cessations are key indicators of business activity. The high number of appointments (24) and cessations (14) suggests constant restructuring in the companies of Pontevedra. For example, the company Barbosa y Bastos SL has registered 1 appointment and 1 cessation, reflecting a change in its management structure.
Incorporations and Dissolutions
The number of incorporations (5) and dissolutions (3) indicates a balance between the creation of new companies and the dissolution of existing ones. The company Casino de la Toja SA, with a share capital of 11,910,600 euros, has not registered dissolutions, demonstrating its stability in the market.
Capital Increases and Reductions
There have been 3 capital increases and 1 capital reduction registered. These acts are crucial for the growth and financial restructuring of companies. The company Acerías Técnicas Europeas SL, with a share capital of 515,700 euros, has not registered capital increases or reductions, suggesting stability in its financial structure.
Changes of Address and Statutory Modifications
The changes of address (6) reflect a trend of companies seeking more strategic or favorable locations for their operations. However, no statutory modifications have been registered, indicating stability in the statutes of companies in the region.
Single-Member Companies and Changes in Single-Member Company Status
1 act of single-member company status and 1 change in single-member company status have been registered. These acts are important for understanding the ownership structure of companies. The company Piñeiral do Rey SA, with a share capital of 588,505 euros, has not registered acts of single-member company status, suggesting a more diversified ownership structure.
Mergers and Company Transformations
1 merger and no company transformations have been registered. Mergers are significant acts that can change the business landscape of the region. The absence of company transformations indicates stability in the legal form of companies.
Bankruptcy Situations and Extinctions
No bankruptcy situations or extinctions have been registered, which is a positive indicator of the financial health of companies in Pontevedra.
In summary, the analysis of the Commercial Registry of Pontevedra reflects dynamic and constantly changing business activity. The numerous appointments and cessations indicate continuous restructuring, while the incorporations and dissolutions show a balance in the creation and closure of companies. Capital increases and changes of address are signs of growth and adaptation to new opportunities. Stability in single-member company acts and the absence of bankruptcy situations and extinctions are positive indicators of the financial health of companies in the region.
Companies such as Barbosa y Bastos SL, Casino de la Toja SA, Piñeiral do Rey SA, and Acerías Técnicas Europeas SL stand out in this analysis for their stability and adaptability in the market, reflecting the strength of the business fabric in Pontevedra.