BORME summary in PONTEVEDRA on 2024-09-02.
Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Pontevedra
Analysis date: September 2, 2024
This financial analysis focuses on the data recorded in the Commercial Registry of Pontevedra, highlighting the most relevant facts in various areas of business activity. Below are the most significant points based on the information provided.
Appointments and Resignations
The number of recorded appointment acts is 12, indicating significant activity in the renewal and assignment of positions within the region's companies. In contrast, only 2 resignations have been recorded, suggesting stability in managerial positions. A notable example is the company Grupo Ibérica de Congelados SA, which has recorded 2 appointments and no resignations, reflecting stable management.
Constitutions and Dissolutions
5 new company constitutions have been recorded, demonstrating business growth in the region. No dissolutions have been recorded, which is a positive indicator of the sustainability of existing companies. The absence of dissolutions suggests a healthy and resilient business environment.
Revocations and Sole Proprietorships
The number of revocation acts is 3, while 2 sole proprietorship acts have been recorded. These data reflect some dynamics in the ownership and management structure of companies. The company Grupo Ibérica de Congelados SA has recorded 1 revocation and no sole proprietorships, indicating a more traditional management structure.
Address Changes and Statutory Modifications
Only 1 address change has been recorded, and no statutory modifications have been made. This suggests that companies in Pontevedra maintain stability in their location and statutes, which can be interpreted as a sign of maturity and stability in their operations.
Capital Increases and Reductions
2 capital increases have been recorded and no capital reductions. Capital increases are a positive indicator of growth and expansion. For example, the company Grupo Ibérica de Congelados SA, with a share capital of 6,020,352.00 euros, has not recorded recent increases, which could indicate that it already has a solid capital structure.
Bankruptcy Situations
No bankruptcy situations have been recorded, which is a very positive indicator of the financial health of companies in Pontevedra. The absence of bankruptcies suggests that companies are managing their finances adequately and maintaining their viability.
Changes in Corporate Purpose and Name
No changes in corporate purpose or name have been recorded. This suggests that companies are operating according to their original plans and have not seen the need to redefine their activities or corporate identity.
Mergers and Company Transformations
No merger or company transformation acts have been recorded. The absence of these acts can be interpreted as a sign of stability in existing corporate structures, without the need for significant restructurings.
In summary, the analysis of the data from the Commercial Registry of Pontevedra reveals a stable and growing business environment. The activity in appointments and constitutions, along with the absence of dissolutions and bankruptcy situations, suggests that companies in the region are well-managed and financially sound. Companies like Grupo Ibérica de Congelados SA stand out for their stability and robust capital structure.
This analysis provides a positive overview of the current state of companies in Pontevedra, highlighting stability and growth as predominant characteristics.