BORME summary in SALAMANCA on 2024-07-04.

Financial Analysis of the Salamanca Commercial Registry

Financial Analysis of the Salamanca Commercial Registry

Analysis Date: 2024-07-04

This report provides a detailed analysis of the most relevant events recorded in the Salamanca Commercial Registry. Below, the most notable acts are described, and some specific companies are mentioned to illustrate these events.


The number of recorded appointment acts amounts to 20, indicating significant activity in the renewal and designation of managerial positions in Salamanca companies. A representative example is the company Chacinerías Díaz SA, which has registered a recent appointment. This company, established in 1976, has a share capital of 691,164.00 euros.


6 acts of constitution of new companies have been recorded. This data reflects moderate growth in the creation of new companies in the region. Although the new constitutions are not specified in the provided data, this number indicates a dynamic business environment.


The registry shows 5 cessation acts, suggesting some turnover in managerial positions. The company Chacinerías Díaz SA has also registered a recent cessation, which could be related to an internal restructuring.


Only one revocation act has been recorded, indicating that this type of change is not very frequent in Salamanca companies.


The registry shows 1 act of unipersonality. This type of act refers to the declaration of a company as a sole proprietorship, where a single partner owns all the shares.

Change of Address

3 acts of change of address have been recorded. This number suggests that some companies are seeking new locations that better suit their operational needs.

Statutory Modifications

No statutory modification acts have been recorded, indicating stability in the statutes of existing companies.

Capital Increases

The registry shows 2 capital increase acts. This type of act is crucial for the growth and expansion of companies. However, none of the specific companies mentioned in the provided data have registered a recent capital increase.


2 dissolution acts have been recorded, indicating that some companies have ceased their operations. This number is relatively low, suggesting general stability in the business environment.


The registry shows 2 reelection acts. An example is the company Chacinerías Díaz SA, which has registered a recent reelection, reaffirming confidence in its current management team.

Bankruptcy Situations

4 bankruptcy situation acts have been recorded. This data is significant as it indicates that some companies are facing financial difficulties. However, none of the specific companies mentioned in the provided data have registered a recent bankruptcy situation.

Change of Object

1 act of change of corporate purpose has been recorded. This type of act reflects a company's adaptation to new business opportunities or changes in its operational strategy.

Change of Name

The registry shows 1 act of name change. This type of act may indicate a restructuring or rebranding of the company.

Capital Reductions

No capital reduction acts have been recorded, suggesting that companies are not decreasing their share capital.

Expansion of Object

No acts of expansion of corporate purpose have been recorded, indicating that companies are not significantly diversifying their activities.

Change of Sole Proprietorship

No acts of change of sole proprietorship have been recorded, suggesting stability in the ownership structure of companies.

Loss of Sole Proprietorship

No acts of loss of sole proprietorship have been recorded, indicating that existing sole proprietorships maintain their structure.


No extinction acts have been recorded, suggesting that there have been no definitive closures of companies in the analyzed period.


No merger acts have been recorded, indicating that there have been no company integrations in the analyzed period.

Transformation of Companies

No acts of transformation of companies have been recorded, suggesting that companies maintain their original legal form.


In summary, the Salamanca Commercial Registry shows moderate business activity with a significant number of appointments and constitutions, as well as some cessations and dissolutions. Stability in acts such as statutory modifications, capital reductions, and company transformations suggests a relatively stable business environment. Companies like Chacinerías Díaz SA and others mentioned in this report illustrate some of these acts and reflect the market dynamics in Salamanca.