BORME summary in SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE on 2024-07-04.

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Report Date: 2024-07-04

This report will analyze the most relevant facts recorded in the Mercantile Registry of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Various mercantile acts such as appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, and other significant changes in the companies of the region will be addressed. Below is a detailed analysis of these acts, highlighting some specific examples of companies registered in the province.

Mercantile Registry

The analysis focuses on the Mercantile Registry of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, where various mercantile acts have been registered. This registry is fundamental for the transparency and control of business activities in the region.

Mercantile Acts

Below are the most relevant mercantile acts recorded:


No appointment acts have been registered in the analyzed period.


No acts of new company incorporations have been registered.


No acts of resignations from positions in companies have been registered.


No acts of revocations of powers or positions have been registered.


No acts related to the unipersonality of companies have been registered.

Address Changes

No acts of changes in the registered office of companies have been registered.

Statutory Modifications

One act of statutory modification has been registered. This type of act is crucial to adapt the company's statutes to new legal or strategic realities.

Capital Increases

One act of capital increase has been registered. Capital increases indicate the intention of companies to strengthen their financial structure to undertake new projects or expansions.


One act of dissolution has been registered. The dissolution of a company can be due to multiple factors, including economic infeasibility or the completion of its corporate purpose.


No acts of re-elections to positions have been registered.

Bankruptcy Situations

No acts of bankruptcy situations have been registered, which is positive as it indicates that there have been no companies in a state of insolvency.

Object Changes

One act of change in corporate purpose has been registered. This type of act is relevant as it may reflect a strategic reorientation of the company.

Name Changes

No acts of changes in corporate name have been registered.

Capital Reductions

No acts of capital reductions have been registered.

Object Expansions

No acts of expansions of corporate purpose have been registered.

Unipersonal Company Changes

No acts of changes in unipersonal company status have been registered.

Losses of Unipersonality

No acts of losses of unipersonality have been registered.


No acts of company extinctions have been registered.


One act of merger has been registered. Mergers are complex processes that can generate synergies and strengthen the market position of the companies involved.

Company Transformations

No acts of company transformations have been registered.

Examples of Companies

To better illustrate these mercantile acts, here are some specific examples of companies registered in Santa Cruz de Tenerife:


One of the registered companies is PEREZ Y GARNIER GESTORES SL. This company has a share capital of 110,000.00 euros and its corporate purpose includes the sale of compressed, liquefied, and dissolved gases under pressure, as well as the wholesale trade of metals such as iron and aluminum. This company has registered an act of dissolution, indicating that it has ceased its activities.


The analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Santa Cruz de Tenerife reveals moderate activity in terms of mercantile acts. The absence of appointments, incorporations, and resignations suggests stability in the organizational structure of companies. However, the presence of acts of statutory modification, capital increase, dissolution, and merger indicates that companies are adapting and restructuring to face new challenges and opportunities.

It is essential to continue monitoring these acts to better understand the business dynamics of the region and support companies in their growth and adaptation processes.