BORME summary in TARRAGONA on 2024-07-04.
Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Tarragona
Date: 2024-07-04
In this analysis, the most relevant facts recorded in the Commercial Registry of Tarragona are presented, highlighting the most significant activities and movements of companies in this region. Below, the figures are detailed and reference is made to some of the most prominent companies, enriching the report with links to their profiles and relevant metadata.
Relevant Facts
- Appointments: A total of 27 appointment acts were registered, reflecting active dynamics in the management and administration of companies in Tarragona.
- Constitutions: There were 10 acts of new company constitutions, indicating growth and expansion of the business fabric in the region.
- Terminations: 6 termination acts were recorded, showing some rotation in management positions.
- Revocations: No revocation acts were registered, which can be interpreted as stability in previously made decisions.
- Single-Person Companies: 7 acts related to the single-person nature of companies were registered, indicating an interest in more simplified business structures.
- Address Changes: 3 address change acts were carried out, reflecting some mobility in company headquarters.
- Statutory Modifications: There were no acts of statutory modifications, suggesting stability in the internal regulations of companies.
- Capital Increases: 2 capital increase acts were registered, indicating investments and financial strengthening.
- Dissolutions: Only 1 dissolution act was registered, which is a positive indicator of business continuity.
- Re-elections: No re-election acts were registered, which could indicate stability in management positions.
- Bankruptcy Situations: 1 bankruptcy situation act was registered, showing a case of financial difficulty.
- Object Changes: 1 act of change in social object was registered, indicating a reorientation in the activity of a company.
- Denomination Changes: 2 denomination change acts were registered, reflecting rebranding or strategic changes in business identity.
- Capital Reductions: No capital reduction acts were registered, which is a positive indicator of financial stability.
- Object Expansions: There were no acts of object expansion, suggesting that companies maintain their current lines of business.
- Single-Person Company Changes: No acts of change to single-person company were registered, indicating stability in corporate structure.
- Loss of Single-Person Nature: No acts of loss of single-person nature were registered, suggesting continuity in simplified structures.
- Extinctions: There were no extinction acts, which is a positive indicator of business continuity.
- Mergers: No merger acts were registered, suggesting stability in current business structures.
- Company Transformations: There were no acts of company transformation, indicating stability in the legal forms of companies.
Prominent Companies
Among the companies registered in the Commercial Registry of Tarragona, the following stand out:
- BADIRALIA SL: Established on March 4, 2015, it has a share capital of 1,003,000.00 euros. Its social object includes the provision of consulting, advisory, management, and administration services, commercial distribution, import and export, tourism, hospitality, and catering, as well as real estate activities. This company has registered 1 appointment act.
- BORGES AGRICULTURAL & INDUSTRIAL NUTS SA: With a share capital of 9,695,240.00 euros, this company is dedicated to the commercialization of agricultural products, including their preparation, processing, industrialization, and packaging. It also deals with the purchase, possession, management, and exploitation of own or leased agricultural estates, mainly intended for the production of nuts. This company has registered 1 appointment act.
The analysis of data from the Commercial Registry of Tarragona shows a region with dynamic and growing business activity. The acts of appointments and constitutions reflect an expansion and renewal in the business fabric, while stability in other aspects such as statutory modifications and capital reductions indicate solidity in existing structures. Prominent companies, such as BADIRALIA SL and BORGES AGRICULTURAL & INDUSTRIAL NUTS SA, exemplify the diversity and strength of the business sector in Tarragona.