BORME summary in TARRAGONA on 2024-08-19.
Financial Analysis of the Tarragona Commercial Registry
Date: August 19, 2024
The analysis of the Tarragona Commercial Registry reveals a series of relevant facts in the commercial and corporate activities of the region. Below are the most notable aspects of the registered acts, with references to specific companies to better illustrate the context.
The number of registered appointment acts amounts to 45. This indicator reflects active dynamics in the management and administration of companies. An example of a company with an appointment act is Celulosa de Levante SA, which has a share capital of 1,502,530.00 euros.
13 incorporation acts have been registered, indicating the creation of new companies in the region. This data is a good indicator of economic vitality and entrepreneurial spirit in Tarragona.
The number of resignation acts is 27. This data can be interpreted as a reflection of changes in the organizational structure of companies. For example, Catalana de Tractament d'Olis Residuals SA has registered a resignation, which could indicate an internal restructuring.
Only one revocation act has been registered. This type of act is usually related to the annulment of previously granted powers or authorizations.
Sole Proprietorships
The registry shows 11 sole proprietorship acts, suggesting that several companies have adopted or lost their sole proprietorship status. This type of act is significant as it affects the ownership structure of companies.
Address Changes
4 address change acts have been registered. This data is relevant as it indicates strategic movements of companies within the region or to other locations.
Statutory Modifications
No statutory modification acts have been registered. This could be interpreted as stability in the internal regulations of companies.
Capital Increases
2 capital increase acts have been registered. This data is a good indicator of companies' ability to attract investment and expand their operations.
The number of dissolution acts is 14. This data is important as it reflects the closure of companies, which can have various causes, from financial problems to strategic decisions.
No re-election acts have been registered, suggesting stability in the managerial positions of companies.
Bankruptcy Situations
14 bankruptcy situation acts have been registered. This data is concerning as it indicates that several companies are facing significant financial difficulties.
Object Changes
Only one object change act has been registered. This type of act is relevant as it indicates a change in the main activity of a company.
Name Changes
No name change acts have been registered. This suggests that companies have maintained their trade names without modifications.
Capital Reductions
Only one capital reduction act has been registered. This type of act may be related to the financial restructuring of a company.
Object Expansions
No object expansion acts have been registered. This suggests that companies have not diversified their main activities recently.
Sole Proprietorship Changes
Only one sole proprietorship change act has been registered. This type of act affects the ownership structure and can have significant implications for the management of the company.
Losses of Sole Proprietorship
No losses of sole proprietorship acts have been registered, suggesting stability in the ownership structures of companies.
No extinction acts have been registered. This is a good indicator as it suggests that there have been no definitive closures of companies beyond dissolutions.
No merger acts have been registered. This could be interpreted as a lack of consolidation in the business market of the region.
Company Transformations
No company transformation acts have been registered. This suggests that companies have maintained their legal forms without significant changes.
In conclusion, the analysis of the Tarragona Commercial Registry shows dynamic business activity with a significant number of appointments and resignations, indicative of changes in company management. The creation of new companies and capital increases reflect a positive economic environment, although dissolutions and bankruptcy situations indicate that some sectors may be facing difficulties. Companies like Agrupació de Serveis Sanitaris i Assistencials SA, with a share capital of 20,412,000.00 euros, and Isopan Iberica SL, with a share capital of 5,000,000.00 euros, are examples of the diversity and magnitude of business operations in the region.