BORME summary in TARRAGONA on 2024-08-20.
Financial Analysis of the Tarragona Mercantile Registry
Analysis date: August 20, 2024
This report analyzes the most relevant events recorded in the Tarragona Mercantile Registry. Below, the main registered commercial acts are detailed, providing a comprehensive view of the business environment in the province.
The total number of registered appointment acts is 18. This data reflects a constant dynamic in the renewal and designation of managerial positions in the province's companies. An example of a company with recent appointments is ALARCA SL, with a share capital of 689,948.00 euros.
Four acts of company constitution have been registered. This number indicates moderate activity in the creation of new companies, which is positive for local economic growth. The company CAMBRILS CEF INMOBILIARIA SL, constituted on December 18, 2013, is an example of a relatively new company in the registry.
The number of registered terminations is 13. This data can be interpreted as a sign of internal restructuring in several companies, which is common in organizational adjustment processes. ALARCA SL has also recently registered a termination act.
No revocation acts have been registered, suggesting stability in managerial positions and in the decisions previously made by the companies.
Single-Member Companies
Six acts of single-member company status have been registered. This data reflects the tendency of some companies to operate under the single-member company structure, which can have advantages in terms of control and management.
Address Changes
Two acts of address change have been registered. This number indicates low mobility of companies in terms of physical location. CAMBRILS CEF INMOBILIARIA SL has registered an address change, which may be related to its expansion or restructuring strategy.
Statutory Modifications
No statutory modification acts have been registered, suggesting that companies maintain their statutes without significant changes.
Capital Increases
No capital increase acts have been registered, which could indicate stability in the companies' financing needs or a lack of investment opportunities requiring additional capital.
Three dissolution acts have been registered. This data may indicate economic difficulties or strategic decisions to close unprofitable operations.
No re-election acts have been registered, which may indicate a lack of need to ratify managerial positions in the companies.
Bankruptcy Situations
No bankruptcy situations have been registered, which is a positive indicator of the solvency and financial stability of the companies in the province.
Object Changes
One act of social object change has been registered. This type of act may reflect companies' adaptation to new business opportunities or market changes. The company ADRAS & ENECHET SUCESORES DE AMIGO HNOS SL, with a share capital of 246,418.00 euros, has expanded its social object to include activities of trading food products and beverages.
Name Changes
No name change acts have been registered, suggesting that companies maintain their commercial names without alterations.
Capital Reductions
One act of capital reduction has been registered, which may be a strategy to adjust the company's capital structure or return capital to shareholders.
Object Expansions
No acts of social object expansion have been registered, indicating that companies have not seen the need to diversify or expand their commercial activities recently.
Single-Member Company Changes
No acts of change to single-member company status have been registered, suggesting stability in the ownership structure of the companies.
Loss of Single-Member Status
No acts of loss of single-member status have been registered, indicating that single-member companies maintain their structure without changes.
No acts of extinction have been registered, which is a positive indicator of the operational continuity of the companies in the province.
No merger acts have been registered, suggesting that there have been no significant movements of business consolidation in the analyzed period.
Company Transformations
No acts of company transformation have been registered, indicating that companies maintain their legal forms without changes.
In conclusion, the analysis of the Tarragona Mercantile Registry shows stable business activity with some movements of appointments and terminations, but with few significant modifications in terms of capital, social object, or legal structure. Companies like ALARCA SL, CAMBRILS CEF INMOBILIARIA SL, and ADRAS & ENECHET SUCESORES DE AMIGO HNOS SL reflect this trend of stability with some strategic adaptations in their operations.