BORME summary in TARRAGONA on 2024-08-28.
Financial Analysis of the Tarragona Commercial Registry
Report date: August 28, 2024
This financial report aims to analyze the most relevant data from the Tarragona Commercial Registry, based on the statistics of registered acts to date. Below are the most notable facts in the different categories of commercial acts.
The total number of registered appointment acts in Tarragona is 20. This data reflects significant activity in the appointment of new positions within companies. A notable example is the company FAPANA INVERSIONS SL, which has one registered appointment act. This company, established in 2016, has a share capital of 4,975,000.00 euros and is dedicated to the administration, holding, enjoyment, and leasing of movable and immovable property.
Regarding constitutions, 2 acts have been registered in the analyzed period. This number indicates the creation of new entities in the region, which is a positive indicator of business dynamism.
The registry shows a total of 4 cessation acts. This data can be interpreted as internal restructuring in some companies, where changes in managerial positions have occurred.
6 revocation acts have been registered, suggesting a review and update of previously granted powers. An example of a company with revocation acts is LEAR CORPORATION HOLDING SPAIN SL, which has one revocation act. This company, established in 1998, has a share capital of 4,138,486.00 euros and is dedicated to the manufacturing, transformation, marketing, and sale of seats and their parts and accessories for automobiles and industrial vehicles.
Sole Proprietorships
The Tarragona commercial registry has registered 1 sole proprietorship act. This type of act reflects the situation where a company becomes owned by a single partner.
Address Changes
2 address change acts have been registered, which may indicate a relocation strategy to improve operability or reduce costs.
Statutory Modifications
No statutory modification acts have been registered in this period, suggesting stability in the internal structures and regulations of companies.
Capital Increases
No capital increase acts have been registered, which could be interpreted as a lack of need for additional capital injection by companies in this period.
No dissolution acts have been registered, which is a positive indicator of the operational continuity of companies in the region.
No re-election acts have been registered, which may indicate that there has been no need to renew managerial positions in the analyzed companies.
Bankruptcy Situations
No bankruptcy situation acts have been registered, which is a positive indicator of the financial health of companies in the region.
Object Changes
No object change acts have been registered, suggesting that companies maintain their initial lines of business.
Name Changes
No name change acts have been registered, indicating stability in the corporate identity of companies.
Capital Reductions
No capital reduction acts have been registered, which is a positive indicator that companies have not needed to decrease their share capital.
Object Extensions
No object extension acts have been registered, suggesting that companies have not diversified their activities in this period.
Changes in Sole Proprietorship
No changes in sole proprietorship acts have been registered, indicating stability in the ownership structure of companies.
Losses of Sole Proprietorship
No losses of sole proprietorship acts have been registered, suggesting that sole proprietorship companies have maintained their ownership structure.
No extinction acts have been registered, which is a positive indicator of the operational continuity of companies.
No merger acts have been registered, suggesting that there have been no business consolidation processes in this period.
Company Transformations
No company transformation acts have been registered, indicating stability in the legal form of companies.
In conclusion, the analysis of the data from the Tarragona Commercial Registry shows stable business activity, with a significant number of appointments and some changes in the structure of companies. The absence of dissolution, bankruptcy, and extinction acts is a positive indicator of the financial health of companies in the region. Companies such as FAPANA INVERSIONS SL and LEAR CORPORATION HOLDING SPAIN SL are examples of entities with notable activity in the analyzed period.