BORME summary in VALENCIA on 2024-08-01.
Financial Analysis of the Valencia Commercial Registry
Analysis Date: August 1, 2024
This report will analyze the most relevant data from the Valencia Commercial Registry, corresponding to various business acts registered up to the mentioned date. Below, the most significant facts are detailed:
Valencia Commercial Registry
The Valencia Commercial Registry has registered a total of 73 appointment acts, indicating considerable dynamism in the management and administration of companies. Among the prominent companies, we find Ford España SL, with a share capital of 323,374,200.00 euros, which has registered 3 appointment acts.
29 acts of new company constitutions have been registered, reflecting an active and growing business environment. This data is a positive indicator of business confidence in the region.
The number of registered cessations amounts to 28, which is a relevant data point to consider in the analysis of the stability and continuity of companies in the region.
8 revocation acts have been registered, which may indicate changes in the power structure or adjustments in the administration of companies.
Single-Member Companies
14 single-member company acts have been registered, reflecting the trend of some companies to operate under a single ownership structure.
Changes of Address
The registry shows 8 acts of address changes, which may be related to resource optimization strategies or geographic expansion of companies.
Statutory Modifications
2 acts of statutory modifications have been registered, indicating adjustments in the internal regulations of some companies to adapt to new realities or strategies.
Capital Increases
The registry shows 8 acts of capital increase, reflecting the intention of companies to increase their financial capacity. A notable example is Banco Mediolanum SA, with a share capital of 86,031,829.00 euros.
10 dissolution acts have been registered, which may be an indicator of economic difficulties or strategic decisions to close operations.
The number of registered re-elections amounts to 4, showing continuity in the management of some companies.
Bankruptcy Situations
6 bankruptcy situations have been registered, indicating significant financial problems in some companies. An example is Gedesco Finance SL, which has registered 4 bankruptcy situation acts.
Changes in Business Purpose
The registry shows 3 acts of changes in business purpose, reflecting the adaptation of companies to new business opportunities. An example is Ford España SL, which expanded its business purpose in 2005 to include the management and administration of securities representing the equity of non-resident entities in Spanish territory.
Changes of Name
3 acts of name changes have been registered, which may be related to rebranding or changes in market strategy.
Capital Reductions
The registry shows 2 acts of capital reduction, which may indicate financial adjustments or resource optimization strategies.
Business Purpose Expansions
No acts of business purpose expansion have been registered, which may indicate stability in the main activities of companies.
Changes to Single-Member Company
1 act of change to single-member company has been registered, reflecting a lesser trend towards this business structure.
Losses of Single-Member Status
No acts of loss of single-member status have been registered, indicating stability in the existing single ownership structures.
The registry shows 2 extinction acts, which may be related to the liquidation of companies.
No merger acts have been registered, which may indicate low activity in terms of business consolidations.
Company Transformations
No acts of company transformations have been registered, indicating stability in the legal structures of companies.
In conclusion, the Valencia Commercial Registry shows dynamic business activity with a significant number of appointments and constitutions, as well as adjustments in the structure and capital of companies. Bankruptcy situations and dissolutions are also aspects to consider in the analysis of the economic stability of the region. Companies like Ford España SL and Banco Mediolanum SA stand out for their share capital and registered acts, reflecting their relevance in the business fabric of Valencia.