BORME summary in VALLADOLID on 2024-07-18.
Financial Analysis of Companies in Valladolid
Report Date: July 18, 2024
This report provides a detailed analysis of the activities registered in the Mercantile Registry of Valladolid, highlighting the most relevant aspects in terms of appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, sole proprietorships, address changes, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, re-elections, insolvency situations, object changes, name changes, capital reductions, object expansions, sole proprietorship changes, loss of sole proprietorship, terminations, mergers, and company transformations.
Mercantile Registry: Valladolid
In the analysis of companies registered in Valladolid, diversified activity is observed in several key aspects:
Appointments and Resignations
A total of 4 appointment acts and 1 resignation act have been registered in various companies. This indicates an active management dynamic, where companies are making changes in their governing bodies to adapt to new strategies or market circumstances.
Incorporations and Sole Proprietorships
The number of incorporation acts is 3, while 1 act of sole proprietorship has been registered. This reflects a continuous interest in the creation of new companies and the consolidation of sole proprietorship businesses, which is a positive indicator of entrepreneurship in the region.
Statutory Modifications and Address Changes
3 acts of statutory modifications and 1 act of address change have been carried out. Statutory modifications are essential for the adaptation of companies to new regulations or internal changes, while address changes may reflect expansion or restructuring strategies.
Capital Increases and Reductions
No acts of capital increases or reductions have been registered. This can be interpreted as stability in the financial structure of the companies, without significant adjustments needed in their share capital.
Dissolutions and Insolvency Situations
No dissolutions have been registered, but 2 acts of insolvency situations have been recorded. The absence of dissolutions is a positive indicator of business stability, although the insolvency situations reflect financial challenges that some companies are facing.
Object and Name Changes
1 act of object change and 1 act of name change have been registered. These changes are significant as they may indicate a strategic reorientation of the companies to adapt to new market opportunities or to improve their positioning.
2 acts of re-election have been registered, showing continuity in the management of some companies, maintaining their current directors to ensure stability and continuity of their business strategies.
Mergers and Company Transformations
No acts of mergers or company transformations have been registered, suggesting that companies are operating independently and have not seen the need to merge or transform into other legal forms.
Highlighted Companies
Unidad Alimentaria de Valladolid SA
Unidad Alimentaria de Valladolid SA, incorporated on January 22, 1996, has a share capital of 4,207,085.00 euros. Its corporate purpose includes the promotion, construction, and management under administrative concession of wholesale markets for fruits, vegetables, and fish, as well as complementary activities that are convenient for the best service efficiency. This company has registered 1 act of re-election, indicating continuity in its management.
Panificadora Hijos de Agustín García SA
Panificadora Hijos de Agustín García SA, incorporated on January 1, 1980, has a share capital of 180,904.00 euros. This company has registered 1 act of appointment, 1 act of resignation, and 1 act of statutory modification, reflecting significant activity in its management and organizational structure.
In summary, the analysis of activities registered in the Mercantile Registry of Valladolid shows an active and diverse business dynamic. Companies are making changes in their governing bodies, adapting their statutes, and, in some cases, facing financial challenges. The creation of new companies and the consolidation of sole proprietorships are positive indicators of entrepreneurship in the region. Stability in the capital structure and the absence of dissolutions are encouraging signs of the financial health of companies in Valladolid.
This report provides an overview of the business situation in Valladolid, highlighting the most relevant activities and offering a panorama of current trends in the business environment of the region.