BORME summary in VALLADOLID on 2024-07-23.
Financial Analysis of Companies in Valladolid
Date: July 23, 2024
This financial analysis focuses on the activities recorded in the Commercial Registry of Valladolid, highlighting the most relevant events in terms of appointments, dismissals, statutory modifications, and other corporate acts. This report takes into account data from various companies, providing a comprehensive view of business dynamism in the province.
Appointments and Dismissals
During the analyzed period, a total of 12 appointment acts and 11 dismissal acts were recorded. These numbers reflect a high level of turnover in the executive positions of companies. For example, the company DIVISA IT SA, with a share capital of 672,000.00 euros, has not recorded any appointment or dismissal acts during the period, suggesting stability in its executive structure.
Revocations and Re-elections
One revocation act and four re-election acts were observed. The company CONSTRUCCIONES HERMANOS SASTRE SA, with a share capital of 800,000.00 euros, has recorded one re-election act, indicating continuity in its management policies.
Statutory Modifications and Changes of Address
Regarding statutory modifications, four acts were recorded, while changes of address totaled two acts. The company MANTENIMIENTO Y SERVICIOS ASBYM SL, with a share capital of 2,000,000.00 euros, has recorded one statutory modification, which may indicate an adaptation to new regulations or business strategies.
Dissolutions and Insolvency Situations
Two dissolution acts were recorded, and no insolvency situations were reported. The absence of insolvency situations is a positive indicator of the financial health of companies in Valladolid.
Changes in Corporate Purpose and Name Changes
There were two acts of changes in corporate purpose and two acts of name changes. The company VESAN EXPLOTACIONES AGRICOLAS SL, with a share capital of 1,500,000.00 euros, has not recorded any changes in its corporate purpose, suggesting stability in its business model.
Capital Increases and Reductions
One act of capital reduction was recorded, and there were no acts of capital increase. The company DIVISA IT SA, with its share capital of 672,000.00 euros, has not recorded any changes in its capital, which may indicate financial stability.
Other Relevant Acts
No acts of mergers, company transformations, dissolutions, insolvency situations, or changes in the unipersonality of companies were recorded. These data indicate stability in the structure and operations of companies in Valladolid.
In summary, the analysis of data from the Commercial Registry of Valladolid reveals a dynamic business environment with high turnover in executive positions and a series of statutory modifications and changes of address. The absence of insolvency situations and the stability in the share capital of companies are positive indicators of the financial health of companies in the province. Companies like DIVISA IT SA, VESAN EXPLOTACIONES AGRICOLAS SL, and MANTENIMIENTO Y SERVICIOS ASBYM SL stand out for their stability and adaptability in the market.
This report provides a detailed and updated view of the state of companies in Valladolid, offering a solid basis for financial and strategic decision-making.