BORME summary in VALLADOLID on 2024-09-09.

Financial Analysis of Companies in Valladolid

Financial Analysis of Companies in Valladolid

Analysis Date: 2024-09-09


In this financial analysis, we will review the most relevant facts related to the commercial activities of several companies registered in the province of Valladolid. We will use specific data from the provided columns, such as the number of appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, sole proprietorships, address changes, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, re-elections, insolvency situations, object changes, name changes, capital reductions, object extensions, changes in sole proprietorship, loss of sole proprietorship, extinctions, mergers, and company transformations.

Commercial Registry and Activities

The analyzed companies are registered in the Commercial Registry of Valladolid. Below are the most notable facts:


The number of appointment acts is a key indicator of administrative activity within a company. In the analyzed documents, we observe a total of 6 appointments in various companies. This suggests an active management dynamic, with possible changes in direction or the incorporation of new members to the board of directors.


Regarding incorporations, no new acts were recorded. This could indicate stability in the number of existing companies, without the creation of new entities in the analyzed period.


4 resignations were recorded, reflecting changes in the organizational structure of the companies. These resignations can be due to various reasons, such as retirements, resignations, or internal reorganizations.


No revocation acts were recorded, suggesting continuity in the decisions previously made by the companies.

Sole Proprietorships

One sole proprietorship act was recorded, indicating that one of the companies became owned by a single partner. This type of change can have implications for decision-making and the financial structure of the company.

Address Changes

No address changes were recorded, suggesting geographical stability in the companies' operations.

Statutory Modifications

One statutory modification was recorded. This type of act can imply changes in the company's bylaws, affecting aspects such as the corporate purpose, company duration, or internal operating rules.

Capital Increases

One capital increase was recorded, indicating an injection of funds into one of the companies. This type of act is crucial for financing new investments, projects, or expansions. An example of a company with significant share capital is Cuesta del Lomo SL, which has a share capital of 370,964.00 euros.


One dissolution was recorded, implying the closure of a company. This act can be due to various reasons, such as financial problems, market changes, or strategic decisions.


Two re-elections were recorded, indicating that some board members were re-elected to continue in their positions. This suggests confidence in the current management and continuity in the business strategy.

Insolvency Situations

No insolvency situations were recorded, which is a positive indicator of the financial health of the analyzed companies.

Object and Name Changes

No changes in the corporate purpose or company name were recorded, suggesting stability in the companies' mission and vision.

Capital Reductions

One capital reduction was recorded, which may indicate a financial restructuring within a company. This act can be a strategy to adjust the share capital to the company's economic reality.

Object Extensions

No object extensions were recorded, suggesting that companies maintain their focus on previously established activities.

Changes in Sole Proprietorship and Loss of Sole Proprietorship

No changes in sole proprietorship or loss of sole proprietorship were recorded, indicating stability in the ownership structure of the companies.

Extinctions, Mergers, and Company Transformations

No extinctions, mergers, or company transformations were recorded, suggesting stability in the corporate structure of the analyzed companies.


In summary, the analysis of the commercial activities of the companies registered in Valladolid reveals general stability in their operations. Although some changes in organizational and financial structure were observed, such as appointments, resignations, a capital increase, and a dissolution, no insolvency situations or significant changes in the corporate purpose or company name were recorded. This suggests continuity in the companies' strategy and mission, with active and adaptive management to market needs.

For more information about the mentioned companies, you can visit their profiles at the following links: