BORME summary in VALLADOLID on 2024-09-18.

Financial Analysis of Companies in Valladolid

Financial Analysis of Companies in Valladolid

Analysis date: September 18, 2024

In this financial analysis, we will examine the most relevant facts of the companies registered in the province of Valladolid, based on the provided data. We will analyze various commercial acts such as appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, sole proprietorships, address changes, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, re-elections, insolvency situations, object changes, name changes, capital reductions, object expansions, sole proprietorship changes, loss of sole proprietorship, extinctions, mergers, and company transformations.

Commercial Registry of Valladolid

The Commercial Registry of Valladolid has been the scene of multiple commercial acts in recent times. Below are the most significant acts:


A total of 14 appointment acts have been registered. These acts are crucial as they reflect the dynamics of management and administration of the companies. An example of a company with appointment acts is CCL Certificación SL, which has registered 2 appointments.


5 incorporation acts have been carried out, indicating the creation of new companies in the region. The incorporation of new companies is a positive indicator of economic growth and business development.


Resignations have also been relevant, with a total of 5 acts registered. These acts may reflect changes in the organizational structure or strategy of the companies.


No revocation acts have been registered, which can be interpreted as stability in the administrative decisions of the companies.

Sole Proprietorships

3 sole proprietorship acts have been registered. These types of acts are important as they reflect changes in the ownership structure of the companies.

Address Changes

4 address change acts have been registered. These changes may be due to various reasons, such as the search for better strategic locations or the expansion of the companies.

Statutory Modifications

No statutory modification acts have been registered, indicating stability in the statutes of the companies.

Capital Increases

No capital increase acts have been registered. Capital increases are important for the growth and expansion of companies, so the absence of these acts could indicate a lack of need for additional financing during this period.


1 dissolution act has been registered. The dissolution of a company can be due to various reasons, such as financial problems or strategic decisions by the owners.


1 re-election act has been registered. Re-elections are important for continuity and stability in the management of companies.

Insolvency Situations

No insolvency situation acts have been registered, which is a positive indicator of the financial health of the companies in the region.

Object Changes

No object change acts have been registered. Object changes reflect a reorientation in the main activities of the companies.

Name Changes

No name change acts have been registered, indicating stability in the corporate identity of the companies.

Capital Reductions

2 capital reduction acts have been registered. Capital reductions can be a strategy to adjust the financial structure of companies.

Object Expansions

No object expansion acts have been registered. Object expansions reflect a diversification in the activities of the companies.

Sole Proprietorship Changes

No sole proprietorship change acts have been registered.

Loss of Sole Proprietorship

No loss of sole proprietorship acts have been registered.


No extinction acts have been registered, which is a positive indicator of the continuity of companies in the region.


No merger acts have been registered. Mergers are important for the consolidation and growth of companies.

Company Transformations

No company transformation acts have been registered.

Examples of Companies

To better illustrate these acts, below we mention some specific companies:

CCL Certificación SL

Incorporation date: November 16, 2000

Share capital: 600,000.00 EUR

Corporate purpose: The certification, approval, verification, or quality control of all kinds of products, crops, productions, or services; including all activities directed towards scientific research and analysis.

Relevant acts: 2 appointments.

Dehesa Villaesperanza SL

Incorporation date: November 8, 2001

Share capital: 615,000.00 EUR

Corporate purpose: The agricultural, livestock, or forestry exploitation, as well as the commercialization and industrialization of the obtained products. The industrialization and commercialization of meat products of all kinds, including the preparation, manufacture, and commercialization of cured, salted meats, sausages.

Relevant acts: 1 resignation.

Industrias Lácteas de Peñafiel SL

Incorporation date: February 11, 2005

Share capital: 5,060,412.00 EUR

Relevant acts: 1 appointment.

In summary, the Commercial Registry of Valladolid has witnessed a series of commercial acts that reflect the business dynamics of the region. From appointments and incorporations to resignations and dissolutions, these acts provide a comprehensive view of business activity in Valladolid.